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Several Factors That Can Produce Autism

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a neurological disorder that affects the brain's normal capacity. Typical diseases manifest ASD at different times, depending on the severity. Typical symptoms of autism have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal, repetitive and obsessive behaviors, and difficulties in social interaction. Autism can also cause mental retardation, could jeopardize the conservation movement engine failure and other health problems such as indigestion and lack of sleep to coordinate. However, some children with autism is really talented, and excel in certain areas, such as music, art, math or visual skills. 

The first signs of autism emerge between two and three years. Researchers and clinicians have many causes that can lead to defects found this. In this article I will discuss the causes of autism. 

Parents reported a sharp decline in the growth of children after vaccination. Although there are many that can provide a detailed account of atavism after vaccination, there are other parents who said their child's symptoms of autism before vaccination. In rare cases, parents reported a rapid regression after antibiotic attack or disease, or exposure to chemicals, such as carpet cleaning or pest meetings. Although researchers, clinicians and scientists have not been able to establish a causal relationship between these events and autism is important, however, that the reports of the parents into account. 

Because there is no consensus on the influence of environmental factors and their powers autism. We see that in twins, if children with autism, it is likely that other children diagnosed with autism. On the other hand, he also observed that when a child has autism, that his / her identical twin, genetics with discontinuation symptoms of the disease develop. In any case, it is important to take into account environmental factors for the duration of treatment. 

More recently, researchers have shown that the combination of the most important components to achieve with biochemical and ecological, autism and other disorders, such as mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, immune dysregulation problem transsulfuration, methylation and toxicity. 

Genetics and Autism 
National Institutes of Health officials that autistic children are genetically predisposed to autism. However, the sharp rise in the number of children with autism (children from 88 children with autism) noted that there is also an environmental initiative for the development and subsequent manifestations of this disease of the central nervous system. 

Environmental Factors and Autism 
Lately, he has a total disregard supported the theory that parenting practices are responsible for autism. While scientists and herbalists to denounce the possible toxic effects of the vaccine as a primary cause of autism, the members of the National Institutes of Health felt different. They say an aggressive vaccination program, in combination with a non-toxic saturation of additional substances autism in children genetically susceptible to trigger autoimmune disease. Council argues that: 

Vaccination cause and exacerbate the possibility of autism in children who have a genetic predisposition to autoimmune diseases, immune disorders and inflammation. 

Other forms of environmental factors can also cause autism, and these include: 

  1. Exposure to pesticides: Scientists believe that the chemicals used to build highly dangerous pesticides autism in children who are prone to activate because of their heritage.
  2. Old age: children conceived in old age, which is more than 40, are more likely to develop autism compared to others that have been set between 20 and 29 years. Therefore, maternal age plays an important role in physical and mental health of children.
  3. Drugs: fetal exposure to toxic substances such as thalidomide, valproic acid and SSRIs in the womb, accelerate the possibility of autism. 
  4. Highway Proximity: Continuing research shows that children born to mothers on highway 1000 feet higher risk of developing autism. 
  5. Limited prenatal vitamin intake: women are quite low vitamin intake before or during pregnancy may give birth to children with autism.
In short, we can say that the doctors and researchers do not have a consensus on the specific cause of autism. We can say that autism is caused by the influence of environmental factors on gene weakened immune system, which is sensitive to inflammation and injury. The best way to organize.
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