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Higher Diabetes Risk Patients Affected by Hearing Loss

If you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, the study found that people with diabetes at higher risk of developing hearing loss. This has nothing to do with age or there. In a noisy environment research between 1995 and 2004, the number of people who have problems with their hearing has nearly doubled.

Although the study does not draw definitive conclusions, it is assumed, high blood sugar can damage blood vessels connected to the graffiti nerves and blood vessels, and people with diabetes are twice as likely to have hearing problems.

Many doctors believe that type 2 diabetes on a regular basis at an early age have a hearing test to identify problems before they become irreversible.

People who have high levels of sugar in the blood is often found that reducing the amount of protein keratin have. This is a protective layer in the ear, and helps to remove the wax in the ear canal and are still excited.

Sugar in the blood can cause unstable deteriorate. Epithelial tissue in the ear hearing aids that make you make a sensitive ear for conventional plastics. It can also cause fungus, yeast infections and irritation in the ear.

Further connection between loss and type 2 diabetes is damage to the auditory nerve. Stable blood sugar levels and high levels of the neuroprotective effects and transmitted. This causes difficulty to understand what other people are saying, and also affects the way people talk.

Doctors can not always think about the screen for hearing loss during a routine visit: It is possible to explain, in a quiet room, when running on standard tests.

If one or more of the following problems, it would be wise to get rid of a thorough hearing test or have a problem or need to find and start treatment.

Do you have a problem as follows:

  • Often ask people to repeat the conversation?
  • Heard radio and  Watching TV need to change the volume?
  • Hear others like mumble?

If you have heard, the problem is sufficient to clean the ear wax and other works. Your doctor can do for you. However, the most common form of hearing loss that is often found in patients with type 2 diabetes

You need some form of hearing aids, if it happens. Currently there are very challenging to help reduce background noise models, and can also tape yourself.

If you are having problems with hearing loss, consult your doctor immediately if you can avoid the problem.

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that just live with it. By making simple changes in your daily routine, you can protect you from the damage the heart, kidneys, eyes, and members often caused by diabetes, and eliminate some of the complications that you experienced.
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